Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas is Coming!

Hello All! I am so sorry I haven't blogged in a while. It has been pretty crazy around here. SOOOO....I am finished with Grad School this semester! Yay! What a relief. I'm going to try not to take so many classes at once next time. I go on vacation for Christmas and New Years this week!
I am really excited about the holidays, especially about my mom's wonderful Christmas lasagna. What she does to make it so special, I will never know but I look forward to it with a nice glass of homemade red wine every year. As much as I love Christmas Eve, I love Christmas Day. That is when I get to see my dad's side of the family, we hang out, have a great meal and laugh. Boy, do we laugh. I have lots of cousins and they are always doing or saying something funny. What a great time- I love the holidays!
Cheerleading Season is underway, and so far a very good year. We are learning our competition cheer which is fierce. More on that after the holidays. If I don't blog before then- Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tips for Coaches

1. Always make sure that students have their physicals up-to-date.
2. Maintain a positive attitude.
3. Be strict.
4. Set High Expectations.
5. Believe that they can SUCCEED!!!

Up and Running!

Hi All! Just starting my blog! I had a great day at school today- cheer leading try-outs are next week and I have given out about 150 forms! Our copiers are broken (always) and so you have to travel a great journey to make copies. I spent a half of an hour talking encouragingly to the copier so it would make 35 copies of my cheer leading application. That's just the beginning of the day. Then, our grade book decided crash right when I was entering grades! Wonderful. My only saving grace was my students. No longer hyped up book bags full on Halloween candy, they resembled my class again. They did their work with gusto and had a great discussion. Good thing, I was thinking that I couldn't stand another day of noisy sugar highs. Now I'm in my technology class creating this blog, enjoying the fact that I get to write. Come back and visit me for another day in my life...